Libreoffice Hardware Acceleration


GPGPU and HSA is coming to LibreOffice with a new version of Calc. Future versions of the spreadsheet program will be OpenCL accelerated in an effort to boost performance. ExtremeTech Menu. In Preferences->LibreOffice->View, under Graphics Output, the 'Use hardware acceleration' checkbox is grayed out. I've tried running version on Mac OS X 10.11.6 and 10.10.5.

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Alberta diagnostic reading assessment programs. Hi, Long time ago, I did an implementation of 3D transitions on Mac OS X, using OpenGL, means hardware acceleration on Mac OS X (starting 10.4). I verified one minute ago the checkbox is ok, and so far, the Hardware Acceleration on the Mac works with my implementation If you want to test, I'd suggest you to try the 'ogltrans4mac' build I did some times ago. The link: (search for ogltrans4mac ) More information about my work: In fact, the Mac OS X community never provided any feedback, nor any thank you, nor anything, thus, the idea get never integrated (and I gave up with that since). The blog entries: Anyway, I'll integrate it into OOo4Kids soon (please note this will be done soon but it is *not* yet done): Further information about OOo4Kids: Eric Bachard [edit: fixed typos and added my blog entry as link for further information].